Tile for the Garage

When you think of your garage floor you may cringe. There may be stains and the look of the concrete is so cold and bland. Many people want their garage to look nice, to feel clean and reflect the rest of their home but they don’t know where to begin. 

It Makes Sense

Once unheard of, it’s now becoming popular for people to tile their garage floors. And it makes sense too. When you walk into a car dealership the floor is typically tiled, shiny and it really enhances the look of the vehicles and the whole car buying experience. Cars wouldn’t look nearly as nice in a dark garage with stained concrete floors. 


Porcelain tile is probably the last type of material that comes to mind when you think of tile for a garage floor but it’s a good choice. Aside from the beautiful, luxurious look it provides, it’s also resilient to abrasion, does not fade in sunlight, it can handle heavy loads, it’s frost resistant, stain proof and it’s easy to clean. 


You can purchase tiles that look like; stone, marble, travertine or a variety of other materials. Go for the classic diner look and do the floor in black and white tiles or keep it classic and go with all white. The look of natural stone is timeless and marble is over the top gorgeous. Make sure you take tile size into consideration when buying your tile.  If you choose tiles that are small a large garage floor can look dizzying or too busy. 


Some people would never consider porcelain tile for a garage floor because they believe it would be too slippery. What these people don’t know is that porcelain tile is rated for hardness, skid resistance and moisture. It’s called the PEI scale (Porcelain Enamel Institute). Porcelain tile for a garage floor should have a rating of at least 4 which is medium commercial use or 5 which is for heavy commercial use. Garage floor tile should also be rated at .60 or above as this is the rating for slip resistant tile. 

Add Value 

If you’re looking for a way to add value to your home and beauty to your garage, porcelain tile may be the answer. Easy to clean yet tough and strong, porcelain tile can give your garage a makeover like no other, and the benefits will last for years to come. Call us today for quotes or for assistance in answering any questions you may have. 

Tile for the GarageTile for the Garage