Donald E. McNabb Company, Milford, Michigan

Donald. E McNabb created our company in 1951 with the specific purpose of providing Detroit’s exploding automobile industry with carpeting for what was then a brand-new idea - the auto show. Over the years, Donald went on to build genuine relationships with the auto companies by delivering high-quality products and unsurpassed service.

Today, D.E. McNabb Flooring has expanded greatly. Once serving the Detroit area exclusively, we now work with auto shows, art shows, and special events all over the world. We have more than 50 years of experience in the industry and are a market leader in exhibition, flooring, and installation. We’re also Angie’s List certified, so don’t hesitate to contact us today for all of your residential, commercial, and exhibition needs.

We are serving (cities in Michigan (MI)):
You can buy tile and stone in our store from the following manufacturers:
Tile & Stone Store Website:
Donald E. McNabb Company, Milford, MI 48381. Tile Store
31250 South Milford Road
Milford, MI 48381
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